Missade du: Understanding human attention and intent with Tobii
Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Länk: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/nkymo-5-vQXvH76eCMKcoIVrN-RVPzEjxf_wGIlLY34xCPpm2fSgS8659-4iAoTm.ON8gnTMAg50CL Passcode: e2SP.gRz Tobii kommer att berätta mer kring hur eye tracking kan användas för att förstå vad som fångar människors uppmärksamhet

Tid och plats
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
Om evenemanget
Eye tracking has been around for decades, but many are still not aware of the possibilities and benefits it can bring. It doesn’t take much effort to extract valuable and concrete insights from your target audience – and the best part – we’ll tell you how and why, while you connect with former and new colleagues!
The topics will be many and equally interesting, and alongside that you’ll also get the chance to meet our attention-heroes (researchers) and try out our exciting tools (eye tracking). For this session we will look closer into:
- Who is Tobii
- How can eye tracking make a big difference in understanding human behavior
- The power of informed decisions.
Demo – come and try out the “secret sauce” of eye tracking for yourself!